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Masturbation, effect and myth / sex counselling

what is masturbation?

If you want to know the details about masturbation, then you have come to the right place. I will try this blog to tell you about the benefits and disadvantages of masturbation in detail. Often you will be reading many things about masturbation in letter-journals. Somewhere it is said very wrong, so much of its loss is reported, so somewhere it is shown in the form of sin. The thing to understand is that really masturbation is sin? Or is there immoral work?
Many religious leaders will have told him and father you will agree with them even now and anywhere. It is beyond my understanding that the nature of the body can be associated with the need for sin and rest. If a person thinks a little too logical, then it can be very easy to understand that this verb is absolutely natural; it is natural to get out after a certain time limit after the semen becomes in the body. This action of exiting the semen depends on three verbs. The first cum - mamuna, the second dream and the second masturbation. If the body takes out the inside of the semen from any of these mediums, then how did this action become immoral or sin? I have such patients who complain that they have found a very bad habit, they can not stop themselves from doing it, and this is causing many problems. Like headache, pain in the legs, leanness, irritability, feeling guilty It is very sad to see such patients that they are getting sick without any illness, most of the problems of those who are masturbating are mental, which arise due to stress and guilt. If they are analyzed closely, then all these symptoms can be easily solved. If you have such symptoms then you should consult with a psychologist.
Masturbation is not sin, but it does not mean there is no harm to it. Anything is very harmful. Having the right information is the need. The most curiosity about masturbation is about how often it is right to do it.

How often do Masturbation ??

Normally, masturbating two to three times a week is not harmful for health. But if you masturbate more often than this, it can physically weaken you physically, but if you eat a sufficiently rich protein diet then you can overcome this physical impairment to a great extent.
Some people do three times a day. It is not correct in any form. You need to change this habit. To quit this habit, you have to do creative work. Creating creative work stimulates the brain to have the necessary entertainment and pleasure, which is why it is not attracted to masturbation.

What age does start masturbation ??

This question is also asked by most children that at what age we can start masturbation. It can not be determined for any age. The reality is that no one should try to start masturbation by trying on their behalf. Your body will take itself towards this action when necessary, which will be a natural start and also good for health. The need to be patient.

Precautions: -

How do people who masturbate often hide and hide in a frightened state, thereby causing tension in their minds and they can not do this action properly. Thereby, they feel the need to do it again and again, even if this action is done in the same manner as with any of your partner, then you will be able to follow the necessary rules. It is very important to take care of privacy, while doing the verb. Do not allow any kind of crime inside him to do so. This is quite normal action. If you do this in the appropriate environment with respect, you can save yourself from the many side effects that are due to you.
The most important thing that I tell all clients to respect themselves and logical thinking and make decisions. It will not come in tension due to the things you heard.
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